Ray of Hope

The devastating news of the young actor from India – Sushant Singh Rajput killing himself has sent across waves of anguish and helplessness not only within the film fraternity but throughout the country. Many of us knew him as a fantastic actor through his various films and serials over the years. But most of us knew him as the man who played M S Dhoni. A role he portrayed so perfectly that we could actually see Dhoni in him.

What makes this news even more heartbreaking is that he was young man from a humble background who made it big in the Industry due to his sheer talent, he was successful and he had hopes and dreams of making it bigger. What is it that drove him to this? What made hardworking young man at the peak of his career end his life so tragically? We might never get the answer to that question but this incident has again brought to light the biggest challenge that we as an Indian Society face. The inability to accept that Anxiety, Depression, Hopelessness are real issues that we as individuals face in our lives. Some people have the strength to pull themselves together and move on, while others need help.

We are so busy in our daily lives, working, achieving our goals and accomplishing ourselves that we leave very little time to do things to nurture our Mental Health. It is situations like this lockdown or having to stay at home for a long time that gives us time to think. While these situations enable some people to get creative and positive, for others, when the noise around them dies down, their inner demons approach them. Even when we are busy, let us take some time to concentrate on our Mental Health so that we are not taken by surprise when our inner demons surface.

Mental Health is as important as our Physical Health. Our brain is an organ just like our Heart, Kidney or Lungs. Then why is it that we are so ashamed to accept that we are feeling down and reach out to friends, family or an expert to help us out? Wouldn’t we see a doctor if we had a chest pain or issues with our kidney? Shouldn’t we treat our brain, which controls our entire body, all our actions reactions and emotions with so much more care? But no, even today we tend to judge people when they talk about their anxiety issues and we compare one person’s reaction to a particular situation with another. Just like two hearts cannot be exactly the same, two brains also will not react to a situation similarly. A normal brain might be able to cope up with situations positively but someone with Anxiety or Depression would get panic attacks even at the slightest problem.

I am no psychologist or expert but I have seen, lived and spoken to people who have had acute anxiety attacks and I have also had my share of lows where I would cry myself to sleep at night for reasons I could not comprehend then. What pulled me through is my strong will and the constant support of my family. They were always there, talking, texting, sending pictures and that gave me the strength to push through. Sometimes a short conversation with a friend is all a person needs to find that ray of hope.

Everyone may not be as strong willed and not everyone may understand what they are going through. It is we are family and friends who need to keep a tab on them, talk to them often, if you find something amiss find out what is wrong, the people who look very happy on the outside might be battling a lot of demons inside. Let us take some time to sit and understand our dear ones and give them the help they need. Let us take time to educate ourselves with the signs and symptoms of Depression so that we can recognize it when we see it. Just that one conversation with a friend or a well-wisher could make all the difference. If they require professional help, take them to an expert and be around to support them through those trying times. Let us try to be a ray of hope to the people around us.

And for those who are feeling down and out, always remember, there is at least one person in this world who loves you and cares for you. Think about who that person is and talk to them before you think of taking any drastic step. They could be your ray of hope; the reason you might see things differently.

The Power of a Community

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” – Helen Keller
This quote by Helen Keller is something that has inspired me all my life for I have always believed in the power of a community, be it a community of friends, colleagues, extended family or like-minded people. Some people might feel that they are happy being alone, a person might say that I am an introvert and hence do not feel the need to be a part of a community. But what they do not realize is that, human being is a social animal whether we agree with it or not and it is this community that always steps forward to help you during a crisis.
The biggest crisis that the world is going through now is the COVID-19 pandemic, and through this crisis I have come to realize the benefits of being a part of a community and how people have tried to help each other get through these tough times even though they are physically away. Let me share with you a few communities that are helping me pull through.

1. Church

From the day the pandemic started emerging and the lockdown started, our Church has come up with multiple initiatives like sending motivational messages to members, sending out activities to engage children at home, starting fun activities for families to do together while at home, calling up each household and enquiring about their well-being and health and most importantly providing moral and monetary support to those members of the church who have been monetarily affected due to the Lockdown. Isn’t it always nice to know that there is definitely one door that is always open for us even if we are locked down at home?

2. Organization

Sometimes we tend to undermine the power of the organization that we work in; it is during crisis like these that we realize that we can look up to them for support whenever we need it. Amid all the confusion and panic that surrounded the lockdown, if there was one thing that was absolutely smooth, it was the transition from working in office to working from home. Not only was the organization well prepared to handle the crisis, with each passing day they have come forward to address members, boost their morale, start fun activities, talk to members about their difficulties and keep them motivated by having a personal connection with each of the members. It definitely feels nice to know that you are appreciated and taken care of, not only as an employee but also on the personal front.

3. Toastmasters

Ever since I joined Toastmasters, this community has always been about great speeches, motivation and leadership, but always in person. Little did I know that even during a lockdown like this, this community would come together to motivate each other using online meetings (thanks to the technology available today). This has truly been a breath of fresh air and in fact a blessing in disguise where it has made it possible to attend meetings and connect with members from far and near.

4. Friends

Good friends are such an important part of our lives. This crisis has given us the opportunity to reconnect with many such friends who stay in different cities or even different countries. If you have friend or a group of friends who got in touch with you to find out your well-being, then you are blessed to have them in your life. It is during times like these you realize who your true friends are. I have been lucky enough, not only to catch up with old friends but also to have been able to make music sitting at home thanks to a few of them.
This generation is run by the power of social media; we follow the activities of people who are miles away from us with the click of a button and this is very helpful in staying in touch with friends and acquaintances who are far away. However, give it another thought, sometimes don’t we get too carried away with social media and trying to know more about someone sitting miles away rather than trying to connect with our own family or friends who really care about us?

You might not be religious, you might be an introvert, you might not like to socialize a lot. Whatever the case may be, always remember, in life always have a trustworthy community or group of friends around you. Because sometimes this community might be a lifesaver not only for you, but your family as well.

Sanity and Positivity in times of Chaos

The world and every country within it is now reeling under the effects and after effects of the dreaded COVID-19. When the Virus 1st appeared in Wuhan, the world did not pay much attention because only 1 country was affected. And then it started spreading, even then people did not take it seriously and went about performing their daily work unaffected. It is only when the toll (both affected and death) reached dangerously high levels that the Virus itself was taken seriously and countries started imposing strict lockdowns to curb the spread of the disease. While the lock down measures are absolutely important during this critical juncture, there are many other questions and side effects of the same.

Staying at home takes a toll on anyone who is a social being and I am no different. When I first heard that we were being asked to work from home for a week or 10 days I was very excited. It meant that I could stay at home, relax, no need to travel, more time with family. But too much of anything is not good and just after 1 week of being stuck at home, the excitement level has come down. Now, I can’t wait to get back to office, to just get out of my house, but obviously that is not possible now, given the circumstances. During these tough and testing times, it is absolutely important that we keep our sanity and continue to spread positivity around us.

When we are constantly around our family the whole day there is definitely more love, more bonding and more understanding, but what also comes along with that is the tendency to take out our frustration on our loved ones, not realizing that they are under as much mental pressure as us and are going through the same stress. This results in more fights and arguments. I heard a friend of mine joking the other day that the number of divorces in China have gone up in the last month thanks to husbands and wives being locked up in the house for days together. If you feel down or are getting frustrated due to this sudden change in your routine, take a step towards consciously creating a wave of optimism around you and your friends and family. Here are few things that we can do to stay positive and also spend time with your family constructively:


  • If you are someone who believes in a higher power, spend some time in prayer and meditation each morning and learn the word of God. Our busy lives have hardly left us with any time to pray.
  • If you do not believe in God or a higher power, simply spend some time meditating. This will give you a great and positive start to the day.
  • At the end of each day spend some time with yourself, talk to yourself and understand what went well for you during the day and what could have been better. This gives you a chance to understand yourself better.


  •  Read the books that you have always wanted to read but never found time.
  •  Read motivational and inspirational books and quotes if you are interested.
  •  Read old comics that help you reminisce your childhood. There are several online versions of the same available now.
  • Read a story to your child, enact the stories with your children
  • Sit down and colour and paint with your children, this is a perfect opportunity for you to rekindle your creative side.


  • Soft Soulful Music, Classical, Western, Folk, Jazz or whatever maybe your choice is an excellent method to relax your mind. Listen to music and sing along.
  • Dance your heart out to your favourite numbers. If you are shy to dance with everyone around, dance alone in your room.
  • If you have wanted to learn to sing, to dance or to play an instrument but haven’t had the chance to do so, here’s your chance. Choose the best online tutorials and try your hand at them.


  • Television shows and movies have the capability to take us to another world, a world that we get so engrossed in that it eases our mind from the worries of today.
  • Watch the old classics, watch some new fun movies, watch movies you always wanted to see but never had the time to. There are so many online portals that provide us with the opportunity to do so.
  • Keep a tab on the News and what is happening around the world in its fight with the disease, but do not be so obsessed with the news that it starts affecting your mind in an adverse manner. Too much of the same news upsets your mind and fills it with negativity before you realize it.


  • Cook your favourite dish, try new recipes, cook together with your family.
    Teach your children to make simple dishes.
  • Not all of us are good cooks, most of us do not even enjoy cooking. But here is our chance to try our hand at this task which we never thought would be our cup of tea. You will be surprised at your own talent.


  •  “Do not step out of your house.” This is the instruction given to us by everyone and yes, Social Distancing is the need of the hour. So find innovative ways to work out.
  • You need not have a gym at home to work out, you will find many interesting videos online to help you work out at home. All you need is the will to do so and a mat (sometimes not even that).
  • Play with your children (whatever the space in your house and balcony allows).
  • Teach your children some indoor games (which do not involve digital ones), most of the children of this generation would have never played such games.
  • Stay fit while at home, do not let yourself become complacent and lazy.


  • Social Media is a very important tool, to stay connected in these tough times, to stay updated with the happenings around the world and most importantly it has capability to keep us engrossed for hours together watching videos and news from across the world.
  • Be responsible and aware of the time that you spend on Social Media, use it to stay in touch with family and friends and to know their well-being.
  • Use it to catch up with a friend you have been wanting to talk to, but never got the time to catch up with.
  • Watch Motivational videos of several experts from around the world, that brings a wave of positivity and rejuvenates us.
  • Take inspiration from people around the world who are spending their time at home innovatively.
  • Be careful to avoid negativity, negative news, comments and videos on Social Media, this can create panic and instill fear in our minds before we realize it.

Do remember, the times around us are tough, but we are blessed to be healthy and alive. Fear, panic and negativity can be bigger enemies than the virus itself. So take an effort today to step away from negativity. Keep yourself informed about the developments of COVID-19 and be cautious, but do not let it occupy the biggest place in your heart and minds. Fighting with COVID-19 might not be in your hands directly. There are Healthcare professionals, Police, Defense personnel and others who are putting their heart and soul into ensuring our safety by being out there. The only thing that we need to do is stay at home and ensure that our sanity is intact. The more positive you are, the more innovative you are, the easier it is to come out as winner at the end of all of this. Who knows how many new Singers, Dancers, Writers, Cooks and Artists emerge at the end of the Lockdown?